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  • Inspiration by Todd Beltz

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I Am

Love is

I am peace and love.

I am a pure and clear channel for prosperity & abundance.

I am one with the I Am.

I am the collective experience of spirit both backwards and forwards in time. How? Because time does not really exist, only timelessness and the Eternal Now.

I foster love peace and joy in my life. I stand by these principles as I stand in my own power, sourced from the divine.

I am divine, I am love, I am power made manifest. I am the source energy made manifest and I am to remember that the beauty and gifts lie in the imperfections, as I am perfect in the mind of spirit .

I need only open up my minds eye to see the truth of what is and what is not. Everywhere I am, God is. Everywhere God is I am. I am one with the power, and it is called empowerment.

When I deny the power and infrastructure of the eternal I Am, I allow the fears to manifest instead of the love. It is my choice, but I choose love, as it resonates deeply and raises my vibration higher and higher. It grounds me while bridging the gap between what is and what is possible. I am the link. Why do I search outside of this magnificent resource that is within? Why do I doubt the love and power that is within? Why do I give my courage and power away, when I am stronger by moving through that internal power and courage.

As I allow, I create. I allow the merging of spirit with form, the merging of source with spark, and I tap into the greatest power there is. God, love, the universe and it’s so called laws. We say so called laws because laws do have a certain connotation for some. They are empowerment channels, these laws. They allow us to manifest and to connect with the other realms that exist and are oftimes more real than we know.

Where is the power truly? In this moment, as this is the only moment there is and ever will be. The moment is now, the point of perception is now. The choices are now. Love or fear. Rising up and standing in our power OR sitting still, sitting down, giving up.

I am here to communicate to you of your power and abilities of which you may not know thus far. The peace you wish to feel is latent in your heart and being, ready to be activated by intention and then by action / non-action.

Finding and walking through the gateways to peace, to love, to creation, to power / empowerment is a worthy goal and a worthy focus. It shall set you free by the grace of your own hand. You will see the power you have inside, and say, wow, i did that? I created this? I brought grace to this situation with my presence? I made a difference? I am far greater than I realized, and all it took was connecting with the power of the spirit. Having faith in the spirit within.

Are you any less than me? Do we not bring unique gifts to this planet and dimension? Are we not here by intent? Are we not congealed thought from a source even greater then we, or more vast then the individual?

Who are we to doubt our own power and grace? Who are we to doubt the intricate and yet simple infrastructure that supports us, moves us and heals us, as we heal it? Are we not part of that infrastructure? Yes, we are. Say it now, yes I am. I am. I know I am here by design. I embrace that I am here by design, by the grace and intent of all that is.

What say you to the discipline of passion? Yes, the Discipline of Passion.

I am fueled by the flame of passion as it lights my way and illuminates the path ahead. What is the next step you may ask? I don’t know as of yet, as it has not been decided or thus created. It exists in the realm of possibilities. The field of choices. The array of goodies are on the table, with the tools to create even more from what is. Do you wish to create? Do you wish to grow? Expand? Become even more? Yes, it is the nature of things. To grow.

Sometimes the tie that binds is really a kite string that we are holding, and forgetting or fearing to reel out, or let go. As we learn that we hold the strings, we are the puppeteer of our lives, and thus creator of our world, we learn, feel, then know and embody the divine spark that is us. That is you, that is me.

The small self wishes to be in charge, but it is we who must command to ourselves and the universe that it is time for the greater Self to lead. How do we do this? We tune in. We communicate with spirit and with ourselves. Be still and know that I am God. Be as one. Be that which you already are. Love. Joy. Compassion. Passion. As you release that which no longer serves you, the joy, and love which you are emerges in its true brilliance. Shines so brightly, that we are in awe of who we really are.

How can I do this with such a full schedule and so many commitments? Work? Family?

1. Do you feel you can read 5 pages before you go to sleep?
2. Is it possible to turn off the TV when one of your shows comes on and instead sit in the beauty of you, of what you are? To do this in silence or with music to transport you to this place of connection?
3. Can you schedule lunch or tea with a friend who raises your vibe and reflects back to you your beauty?
4. How about 20 minutes after dinner for a walk in nature, in the neighborhood or go for a spin on the bike or treadmill at the gym? This is time with you. This is time to relax with spirit.

But I have so much to do! Know you not that after steeping your self in your essence and in spirit, you enter a place of peace and timelessness that feeds you, relaxes you, nourishes you, and actually makes you MORE productive?

But how do I schedule this into my life? You can use a calendar, a list system, find a partner who is doing the same, and get connected for support. But you can also decide to do this on your own. Tune in and tap into the best way for you to connect with you each day.

Do you desire more? Are you tired of settling? Do you wish to reach for your dreams and with grace and ease make them come true? Do you wish to glorify life by sharing your gifts? Do you wish to be filled with the love of spirit, the joy of the universe, the passion of fire, and the blissful feelings and miracles that are your birthright?

I certainly do! It is a shift, and with the desire, the letting go, and subsequent directional towards change, the ego or aspect of self that thinks it is keeping us safe by keeping us small will rear its head and shout NOT NOW. NO! I know this to be so, as this is something that has happened to me more than once, more than twice, more than thrice. I have had to command that my small self listen to the higher self / spirit. “I now command that the higher self take charge and lead”. The small self has a role, and can contribute, but leadership is not the way.

Sometimes motivation for change only comes when we hit rock bottom, but what if there were a way to tap into that motivation and inspiration to make amazing changes before that took place? What if there were another way, so that instead of learning and growing through trauma and drama, we could learn, grow and change through love and joy, laughter and adventure? Is it possible? Is anything possible? We may choose the old way or the new way, which is becoming easier and easier in this higher vibration.

I am the joy made manifest. I Am the link to the greater good that surrounds me and swirls in and around me. If I open up mine eyes, and see with my minds eye, my inner eye; if I hear with my inner ear; and if I feel with my higher heart, the way that opens up before me and the doors that appear in front of me lead me into the realms of divine magic, divine abundance and divine love.

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